Liam worked on and off throughout the day yesturday and worked on the above Duplo creation. He decided that he wanted to build a McDonalds. I know that there is an M in there and he also said that there was a Christmas tree in there. The closet in the their room has mirrors on it. Liam wet his pants and woke me up at 6:00 am to help him change. I grabbed the first pair of pants I could find in the dark, while I was half asleep. He got a pair with a giant hole in the knee. I did not realize that his leg went through the giant hole in the pants. I need to go buy some patches and sit down and spend some time doing clothes repairs.
Here is a layout I did with some pictures from Christian's Birthday party last month.
Credits: Birthday Bash by Tracey Monette at scrapbook-elements.
He's cute with that hole in his pants knee. Love his creation too, and your layout. I'm presently living with my son and family, which consists of two young granddaughters; and what fun it has been!! I have a stack of their clothes waiting for Gran to mend.
Sounds like you started the morning at a full run. Love the McDonalds.
Awww he looks so proud of his creation! Nice job.
A lovely photo.
Lol, that is funny. When we picked up Linus yesterday from kindergarten, he had changed his trousers too due to an accident. But he had put them on inside-out, without the teachers to notice anything. :p
Great photo of his impressive building, and nice LO.
Great photo - I love to see what kids can create and their toys are always so colorful!
That photo is so cute...that is one big McDonalds!
I love the layout!!! What cute colors!
LOL, I love the leg through the hole in the pants. That is absolutely something I would do. I love him McDonalds creation. It's awesome!
wonderful photo and journaling!
Fantastic shot! That is one cool McDonalds!
your boys are sure creative with their legos. impressive!
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