Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project 365 - day 13 and a story

I had to go to work early this morning. When I got up to get ready, the boys woke up too. They both got in our bed and were going to sleep with David when I left. Liam slept in until 8:00.

Yesturday, I decided to start a new thing with homeschooling. We have read some books like Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Wombat. I asked David and Christian to find Diary of a Wombat, which we own. Neither could find it. I put it on hold at the library and downloaded Diary of a Worm for Christian to listen to. He listened to the story a few times then I asked him what a diary was. His answer was "a big poop that runs down your legs". I told him that he was talking about diarrihea and a diary was like a journal that people write their daily activites. I cannot imagine what was going through his mind when he was looking for Diary of a Wombat.


Magdalena (m2m) said...

Hehehe, what a funny story :) TYFS :)

Laura said...

Great story!! That made me giggle!! Thanks for sharing!!

Erika said...

Such a cute photo! Wish I could cuddle up in bed like that instead of sitting at my desk at office...
Funny story too!

Unknown said...


Thanks for sharing.