Friday, March 21, 2008

trip preperations

It is 10:34 and the car is packed.
We could not find our suit cases this morning since they are burried under all the stuff we brought back from storage, but have not got around to orgnaizing yet. David found one for our clothes and the boys clothes are going in a laundry basket.
David got the car vacumed out so it looks good, for now.
The boys and I went to the store to get food for the trip this afternoon. I bought some fun snack foods and Liam had a hard time understanding why he could not eat them now. He is not one for delayed gratification.
We went to the gas station that is affiliated with the grocery store since we get gas 10 cents a gallon cheaper there since we spend money at the store. Since it is so expensive, anything helps. There was a long line since it is the Good Friday and many people are traveling for Easter and for spring break.
We came home and ate dinner and when I was getting Liam ready for bed, I noticed that his feet were both red and swollen. He has had foot infections in the past and I did not want to be out of town away from our doctor with a full blown infection. We went to the urgent care. The doctor said that he was developing an infection and we got drugs. He fell asleep on the ride home.
I finished packing the car and printed up all the maps we need tonight.
I just need to sync the iPod and we are ready to rock.

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