Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It has been a while since I last updated the blog. We are all healthy and my back is much better. The living room, part of the dining room and the hallway are painted. We still have to finish the dining room and the kitchen. David is working on getting the floor down in the living room and hallway. He will pull up the rest of the carpet in the living room. Yesturday he found some of the original flooring when he was working. It was ver 1970's Brady Bunch.
We have a piece of stain glass hanging art in our living room that David's mother made for us when we first moved here. I showed her some pictures of stain glass that I liked and she did the design and colors based on that. The paint I picked out for the living room coordinates perfectly with the stain glass and the compliment each other well. I would like to say I spent hours reviewing my artwork, lighting and the such to choose my paint colors, but I went to home depot found colors I was drawn to, brought home samples checked them out in several kinds of light and went with them. I either like the same colors for everthing or have some gut instinct.
We had some nice weather and got to spend a couple days at the park. We were going to go to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) yesturday and see a show at the planetarium, but it was so crowded that we ended up at a park eating ice cream. The boys were so thrilled that I think years from now they will remember that more than another show at the planetarium. (I took pics, stay tuned)
I have Christian's conference today at his school. We have been strongly leaning towards homeschooling next year, we might do that, but at the last moment we decided to put Christian in the lottery for the Japanese or Chinese immersion programs in the public school system. We would rather apply, not get a spot and move on with homeschooling then never apply and then find ourselves regretting never trying in a couple of years.
Christian is already starting to read and spell, so if he goes to public school, I think a bi-linguel enviroment would work well for him. He would be bored in a tradtional classroom.

You and Me by Anja

Lori by Claudi Designs

Woodstock by Lindsay Jane

Whispering Forest by Lindsay Jane Designs

Solidified 8 by Jennifer Howland, In Stitches by Becki Kress & Alpha no. 1 by Anja


Unknown said...

Painting's NO FUN, and I don't envy you. Here's hoping that everything works out with Christian and schooling. I don't know that I'd have the fortitude to even try homeschooling; so I wish you the very best and you have my admiration for even considering it. And, in a completely different topic...LOVE THOSE LO's!!

Shel (got here from digishoptalk)

Unknown said...

Wonderful LO's.

Hope the school meeting goes well, and the best solution is reached for your children.

Donna B. Miller said...

I know it's hard work, but don't you just love freshly painted walls? Good luck with your schooling decision.

SarahB said...

Glad you are all feeling better! Very interesting about the language immersion programs--whether he gets in to that or you homeschool him he's sure to get a good education.

Really nice layouts!

Amanda said...

Glad everyone is feelign better. Ugh, painting! Although I will say I'm gettign the itch to paint a room or 2 of mine. I know that will pass halfway through the first room. Good luck on teh schooling issue. We too have been struggling with homeschool or public school. For now it's public school. My sanity couldn't take homeschool.

Mary said...

The layouts on display are just wonderful and glad to hear everyone is doing well.

DawnMarch said...

We're in the middle of painting (and removing wallpaper - UGH) here too! It's such a pain, isn't it? But worth it in the long run. Love your layouts -- really nice designs!