We are hoping to resume swimming tommorow, but the boys seem to both be fighting colds. Liam gets swollen tonsils if you look at him wrong and he has been fussy and crying over everything today, so I think they are acting up. Christian was crying if Liam even touched him today, so I don't think he is feeling good either. They both went to bed quite early.
We will have to see if they feel better in the morning so we can get out tommorow. We have a lot of fun plans this week. On Thursday we want to go pick tomatos. Last year we picked 40 pounds and made sauce and dried tomatos. After watching the stock market and the economy, I am thinking we need to pick fifty pounds this year. It never hurts to have food stocked up. I also want to try a tomato/basil soup recipe from my freezer cookbook. It would be great to have some soup in the freezer ready to go.
One of our two younger chickens has more flamoyant tale feathers then the other and we have heard some odd sounds from the hen house in the mornings, so he might be a rooster. I was telling a co-worker about this and she suggested we name him dumpling since we love chicken dumpling soup so much.
Back to the tomatos...I was out on a run on Saturday and there was a "free please take" pile in front of a house about a mile from our house and they had a food mill in the pile. I have had a food mill on my mental wish list for a while. I looked odd running home with a food mill, but I was happy to finally have one. I did a trail fun with it yesturday with a small batch of tomatos that we have from our garden.
Here are a couple of layouts I did....
This is an older picture of the boys that I scanned in today. The template is by Chrissy W. I used many products by many Elemental Scraps Designers So I will link my credits here
Credits: Kit: Autumn Paper: Autumn on the Cards - Both by Lindsay Jane Designs
Where do I start with Math Mammoth?
5 years ago