Thursday, May 7, 2009

Feeling a bit better and week in review layouts

I have been reading some bad things about plastics and boys so we decided to change over to stainless steel water bottles. I bought two at Costo last week and will buy two more next payday.

We found the boy's marble toy in the garage today. They had fun playing with it for a couple of hours (layout tommorow).
We are all feeling better. My eye is swollen and throat is a bit sore, but I was able to to Christian to Tae Kwon Do today. There were only two other kids in the class today, so I think that whatever we had is going around.
Here are my week 17 & 18 week in review layouts...

Credits: Project 365 Cluster Frames 1 & 2 & Forest Whispers by Lindsay Jane Designs

1 comment:

listgirl said...

We've switched from plastic bottles to stainless steel as well. Better safe than sorry!