Monday, January 7, 2008

Ikea Time

I did some serious shopping this weekend. On Saturday, I went to Home Depot and bought the electrical supplies to install a ceiling light and a new baseboard heater for the living room. It was quite a sight of me pushing that heater around Home Depot in a basket. On Sunday, I went to Ikea. I bought some long overdue (seven years) decorations for our room. I took the old mirror down in our room when we painted in the fall, it was plain and boring. I bought a pretty new one yesturday. I bought a Large frame with matte that holds 12x12 photos and put one of my layouts of the boys in it and hung it above the bed. We have curtains in our room for the first time since we moved in and I bought this magnetic chalkboard that we hung up in the kitchen for the boys to play with. They love it, but I am still trying to teach Liam to keep the chalk in the kitchen, not to use it as cargo on his trains or make designs with it on the carpet.
Speaking of the words of Stephen Colbert, it has been put on notice and will soon be dead to us! My BIG purchase yesturday (keep in mind I went to Ikea alone) was 33 boxes, 30 lbs each of flooring. Enough to cover every room in our house with the exception of our Kitchen & Bathroom. I (by myself) loaded every one of those 33 boxes on to a cart. An Ikea employee helped me push it to the register, but I pushed 1600 lbs of flooring across the check out area to holding while I got my car. The woman working in the holding area is a customer of mine as Starbucks, so she had one of the men working with her help me to the car and help with loading the boxes into the car. I still loaded half of them. When I pulled into the driveway, David was in shock at how low our car was riding. David was gracious enough to unload all the flooring into the house. We will probably start installation this weekend.
I have to say....They have the BEST customer service at Ikea. It was a very busy day for them, but they were so helpful and pleasant.
Amazingly enough, I was able to move today. I am starting to ache now, so I think it is the whole 48 hours after work pain. I have MOPS tommorow, it will be very interesting if I cannot move.
One more purchase...I bought a ceiling light for our living room. We do not have any installed lighting in there. It is like an apartment. Paired with the turquoise carpet, it makes for a dark room. I cannot wait to enjoy a brighter carpet free living room, I even have the area rug picked out at Ikea.
Here are some layouts I did. As usual, click on my gallery link for credits and links to stores.

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