Yesturday was free ice cream day at our local Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Shop. Free ice cream day seems to fall on a rainy day every year. I took Chritian there last year and it poured. This year he knew that the would get ice cream, but he might get wet and he was emotionally prepared.
The line was very long, so I put Liam on his leash, but he behaved better then he ever has waiting in a line. When someone would come out of the store with their ice cream, he would longingly watch them.
When we finally got in, I had a hard time explaining to Christian that he could only have one scoop. He wanted strawberry and chocolate. I ordered fundge brownie for him. Liam got Phish Food and I tried 7-layer coconut bar (too good, two thumbs up). I have to say that one way to keep Liam quiet and in one spot is to put an ice cream cone in his hand. He was so focused on that ice cream, he was not going anywhere.
I checked out this new freezer cookbook, that I heard about on Manic Mommies, from the library. I went on my big bi-weekly shopping trip and bought ingrededients for three recipes today. Those large vats of meat from Costco are expensive.
I came home and put together the recipe for Cranberry-Apple Pork Tenderloin. I bought an eight-pound tenderloin and cut it up in thirds. I decided to cook up one serving (in the oven now) and then follow the instructions to freeze the other two. So I have dinner in the oven and two more meals freezing. I am going to try another recipe tommorow and if I like them I will post one here with an "offical review" of the book.
The idea of buying in bulk and taking a couple of hours every two weeks to put recipes together appeals to me. Not only do we have food ready to prepare quickly, but I also always have meals ready if I get a call from church saying someone needs food.
Where do I start with Math Mammoth?
5 years ago