Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I love fonts. Long ago when I worked as an Admin assistant and Executive assistant, I would always try to break through the Times New Roman ceiling and spice up office correspondance with a frisky new fonts like Comic Sans. I usually wanted get away from producing memos and work in black which is also sooooo done. I have been liberated from the office and I am now doing my work for a team of one, so I can use what ever font I chose and color and paper and shapes and stitching.
I am hosting the font challenge at Elemental Scraps. Drop by, join in and break out of the box.
I used Tattered Lillies by Scrappin Nut Designs, Template & Word Boxes by Chantal at Designs in Digital


Char said...

Oh, fun! I am font/title challenged, for sure. I'll have to click on over!

Amy said...

A font challenge -- cool! I love fonts, too, so I'll have to stop by. Thanks for the info. Great blog!

Sassy said...

I need some inspiration!!!!

AfriDigiDiva said...

I can totally relate. I am a fontaholic from way back