Friday, April 11, 2008

My Thursday

Some Stats:
pairs of underwear Liam wore yesturday - 6 (for those from ES I forgot about the bm accident in the morning)
number of times the toilet overflowed - 1
had a half poop - started in underwear headed to bathroom to finish job got poop all over toilet. Reason for above issue.

The boys went to the doctor for their shots & exams
Liam had a temper tantrum when they asked us to take off his clothes and put on a gown. He freaked over taking his blood pressure. Urinated all over the office.
Christian was calm until the needles came out, he freaked and kicked me in the shin HARD (still hurts today).

I was working on a couple hybrid scrapbooking projects and when I went back to our room Liam mod podged my iPod. (it seems to come off easily)

Today is a bright, sunny day. Liam is outside playing and can pee on the lawn and not on the floor.

I used Daisy Fantaisy by Liz Thompson, Template by Janet Phillips, Vase - Stephanie O'Neil & Flowers by Anna Benjamin


Stephanie (schock77) said...

Ha ha! Sadly I can relate to this entire post. :) It does get better... but in the meanwhile, we'll buy stock in undies!

Unknown said...

LOL--we're potty training too! DD is 3 1/2 so it's finally going really well!
Love the header on your blog!

AfriDigiDiva said...

I'm so grateful those days are long gone.

Unknown said...

I am so glad I don't have to deal with this anymore!

Juliana said...

Oh my goodness! What a day you have had! Hope you are able to recuperate from it all!

Amy said...

LOL, oh wow, not looking forward to potty training!

DawnMarch said...

Gosh, that was some doctor visit! I hope it's ok that I giggled a little. My son threw up all over me at the doctors' office so I feel your pain!

Heather Thomas - advocate for change said...

Good luck with the potty training...we're going through it here too!

MirandaLea said...

Wow, what a day!! lol Aren't boys fun? I've got a one-year-old and I'm not looking forward to the potty training. :)