Monday, May 12, 2008

Our Mother's Day

We had a quiet, restful Mother's Day. The boys both made cards for me in their Sunday School classes. They were both very tired after the busy days they had on Friday and Saturday.
David and I are taking a Parenting with Love and Logic class, so we started praticing yesturday (I have read some of the books, but this is a more serious attempt from both of us). Last night, Christian was moody and tempermental after his bath. I said "you seem to be very tired." This made him more upset and he started screaming more. I just let him scream and then asked him to get is pajamas on and brush his teeth. He stalled putting his pajamas on, so I took the pajamas to his room and said he could put them on quietly with the door open or he could continue screaming with the door shut. He got his pajamas on and brushed his teeth and asked for his stories. I said that we would not be doing that tonight, but he can go to his room and go to bed with door open quietly or close the door if he feels like crying and yelling. He chose to keep the door open and fell asleep after about a 1/2 hour. David said that they both slept late this morning.
Since David and I are both tempted to say too much, we came up with a code-word to use when the other is not reacting to the kids well, so we don't argue or discuss things in front of them or have to stop, go to a back room discuss and then return to the kids (who are usually not completely in control during these times). And the code word is.....Toe Pick! (watch the movie Cutting Edge if you don't get it)
The boys had their Spring program at church a week ago Sunday. Liam just goes wild when he gets on stage and tries to mess with all the equipment and explore. They finally asked me to hold him while he sang. Christian did a very good job. I will do a layout with his pictures soon.
Credits: Quickpage by Silversword for It's Elementary, My Dear Scrapper Challenge at Elemental Scraps, Elements: Devon by Julie Bullock

On Saturday, I made the Lasagna Roll Ups from the Fix, Freeze and Feast cookbook. I froze several servings, but I put some in a baking dish and grated some cheese and then we were able to cook it up after church yesturday. They were delicious.


All That Chit Chat said...

Beautiful work you have here! Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Lynn Grieveson said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day from me too. It can be tough being a prent - sounds like you are doing a great and thoughtful job :-)

AfriDigiDiva said...

I have such a good time on your blog! Happy Mother's Day to you.

AfriDigiDiva said...

I have such a good time on your blog! Happy Mother's Day to you.