I am not writting this blog to give advice on how to scrap a great photo, I am having problems finding something good enough to do with this photo. I love it and want to do something nice with it, but I don't want to clutter it up and I have not found the right background paper. I have the entire Elemental Scraps Store at my disposal and my other designers I work with, as well as a hard drive full of other great designs. I have to admit that I have not poured through everything to find the right thing. Any suggestions? I am in a bit of a creative dry spell right now. I am also taking a day or two to re-charge. We are also going camping next week which will get me away from the computer for a couple of days.
On the loose tooth front - Christian's tooth fell out. I helped it along before swim lessons because it was so loose, I was afraid it might fall out and he would swallow it. I know they will be okay if they swallow their teeth, but that would be dissapointing if we lost it. The pool employees gave us an empty slurpee cup and a stapler and that how the tooth sits under his pillow tonight. David will act as tooth fairy when he gets home. I wanted to make sure Christian was really asleep before we went in. I have to work in the morning so I will miss Christian's reaction. I thought about telling him that the Tooth Fairy does takes Tuesday's off, but since David missed his loosing the tooth, he gets the fun part tommorow.
For the swimming lesson update...Liam's classmate's parents are helicopter parents. All the kids are wild and none of the are going to pass the class and be able to move on. Liam swam off in class today and one mom was upset that time was getting wasted during class.
This is a swim class for three and four year olds not the Olympic trials. I called the pool when we got home tonight and talked to the person in charge of classes. She knows who Liam is (big shock, they all know him at the pool), she thinks his behavior if normal for and 3.5 year old. There are kids who behave better but for a child who is not afraid of water and spirited, he is normal. She said that she thought the entire class was a bit wild not just Liam and that they egg each other on.
Next time we do classes, I am going to talk to the PIC early on if Liam persists in this behavior. I can give them some hints on how we handle things so the teachers can have those tools to use.
Where do I start with Math Mammoth?
5 years ago