Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First field trip

There is a baby elephant at the zoo and today was free day at the Japanese Garden so we had our first field trip.
I wanted to get to the zoo early since Portland Public Schools do not start until tommorow, so I knew it would get busy, especially with the baby elephant. It was not too busy when we got there. Our membership expired several months ago and I hate the crowds and heat in the summer, so we saved up some money and renewed our membership today. We will enjoy it much more during the cool days of fall or less rainy days of winter on days we need a break from homeschooling.
The line was not too long to see the baby elephant. They told us that the baby weighed in at 291 lbs this morning. Mom weighs about 7000 lbs. That makes me feel so much better. I am still trying to ditch baby weight, but I don't have that much.
They are putting in a predators of the Serangetti thing next year. Liam posed with one of the Lions. We talk about how Liam and Lion both have four letters and start with li today.

Christian wanted to see how he measures up to bears.

I think this is an ibex. I just think it is cute.

Here is Liam enjoying the carp at the Japanese Garden.

This bird was hanging out on top of a waterfall. David thought it was a hawk. If there are any birders out there with a better answer, leave me a comment.

The nice thing about free day is that it is free, the drawback is that it is so crowded. I told David that it added a certian not of authenticity about how it is like to travel in Japan. There usually crowds everywhere, even climbing Mt. Fuji.

1 comment:

RefreshMom said...

Looks like fun! We went to the SF zoo earlier this summer, and it was a fun trip, but we couldn't help but keep comparing it to the Portland Zoo (Portland wins).