Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good dinners

We have been cooking corn on the barbeque a lot this summer. We usually do on Saturdays. We just put in on the grill in the husk and then when it is almost done, I melt some butter that we brush on. We just peel the husk back, brush on some butter and the boys eat the corn like it is on a stick or something. The boys just love it.
I also made a recipe for Tzatiki, we grilled some lamb and had gyros' too. They were very yummy. The tzatiki tasted just as it should. It is a great low fat addtion for foods. I might bake up a potoato and use some of the leftovers as a topping.
The chickens love corn nights too. The boys will sit in back and eat their corn in sight of the chickens. When they see corn is around they get very excited. We throw the leftover corn into them and they jump on it passionately.

I have had some migraine problems the last couple of nights, so I have not been up to doing any layouts. I did this one last week for Tracey Monette's Boo the Kit that released today at Scrapbook-Elements.


SarahB said...

Sorry you've been dealing with a lot of migraines! My summer was filled with them but they finally seemed to have subsided--I hope yours do the same soon

Love how you tiled the paper squares and elements along the border of your page!

Elizabeth said...

how funny--you know we grill out on saturdays, too, and our dog has the same reaction. she jumps up and down and gets excited because she knows she is going to get scraps! :)

cute layout, by the way!

PsiPsi said...

oh our cats turn crazy when we BBQ*lol*
hope you feel better soon( my dh has migraines very often) its awefull to have that!
fantastic layout!