Wednesday, April 15, 2009

another set of chick shots

Now that the chicks are getting bigger, we need to clean the box more. That gives me a good time to get photos. We switched from newspaper to hay in the box. The hay is good since we can take it straight to the compost bin when we clean. I need to put fresh hay in the hen house after all the rain we had this week.
I did my bi-weekly grocery shopping today. I also dropped off all the stuff in van that we want to get rid of to donation sites. I found an automotive supply store close by that takes donations for the Oregon Food Bank. So all of the items I pulled from our pantry when I cleaned are on their way to good homes.


audrey neal said...

those little chicks are just too cute -- I love how they are still fuzzy but starting to get to that gawky "teenager" chicken stage...I'd love to have some chickens, but we live within city limits so it's not a possibility for us right now.

Unknown said...

Those chicks just keep growing cuter!

Great idea to donate the food and clean out the cupboards too.

bentonflocke said...

wow those little chicks are sooooo cute!!

gabs-art said...

OMG they are sooo cute!

listgirl said...

What cute photos of the chicks, and what a productive day you had!

Erika said...

Aw, I love the hair-do on the little yellow one! They are both very cute.

goodtexan said...

Oh my, how sweet they are!

Unknown said...

ahhh so cute!