Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Basketball Fever

We are not one of those families that watches a lot of sports and we have not followed the Blazers much this year. Now that the Blazers are in the Play-offs, we are watching the games. If they go all the way and win the Championship, it would be sad to miss it. I was seven years old last time it happened. I also don't want the boys to miss out.
Christian is showing more interst in basketball. Our neighbors who live behind us have a hoop and he likes to go over there and play.


Nikkiana said...

Aww! He's just too cute! I've never been much into basketball really, I played a bit when I was younger, but I always seemed to sprain my fingers!

mgl Scraps Creative Team said...

Cute pics - that ball is huge for him!

bentonflocke said...

wow cute shots!! He´s good in playing with the ball!