Saturday, April 18, 2009

outings and layouts

We have been busy the last couple of days. The boys and I drove out to the Columbia River Gorge and Hood River on Friday, then we went to a tulip festival with a play group we belong to.
I posted some of the photo highlights.
Even with all of these outings, we still got tons of things done at home today. David and I made a bulk batch of mozzeralla meatballs. We are also defrosted some garlic mashed potatos, so lunch after church is going to be too yummy. It will be hard to focus on the sermon, knowing what a good meal awaits.
I am going to a plant-swap tommorow. We have rasberry, lemon balm and Italial parsley volunteers in abundance, so I dug some up and put them in planters. I love that I can take free things that might have ended up in the compost or hen house and trade them for plants we want.
Here are some layouts.

Frames: Springy Frames #1 Mat: Pretty Gritty Photo Overlay Both by Hillary Heidelbergy

Template: Urban Grunge Solo Template by Hillary Heidelberg
This is one of Christian's baby photos.

Kit: Dreamland by Alana McCarthy


bentonflocke said...

you were really busy the last days! But it seems you had much fun!

Great shots and wonderful pages!

Erika said...

Lovely photos! The one with Liam and the pink tulips are just stunning, and I love your family photo too. Seems like the boys had so much fun.

Jennifer said...

Great shots! WOW. Those tulips are huge!

Anonymous said...

fabulous pictures. love the one with the tulips !!