Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sping Cleaning

We have been cleaning and organizing our garage the last few weeks. I cleaned out and organized our pantry areas this morning. I put like items together. This will obviously make grocery lists easier to write since we can see what we really have.
We seem to have an overload of tomato paste. If anyone finds a recipe where they need it and don't have it on hand, call me. I can set you up.


Unknown said...

Well done for getting organised. I seem to have a glut of tomato paste too!

Erika said...

Oh, doesn't it feel good to have it done?! I hate to organize cause it is so much work, but I love the feeling afterwards. Great job!

SarahB said...

Good for you! I'm in the midst of organizing my kitchen right now - the mess before the nice outcome!

Magdalena (m2m) said...

Wow, outstanding job you did, awesome!!!

bentonflocke said...

You organised it well! It isn´t my favorite job... but sometimes we all have to do the same!