Thursday, April 3, 2008

Motherhood is like a bagette

On my last trip to the organic grocery to check for free stuff, I grabbed a bagette. This morning Christian kept saying that Liam was in the bread. I thought he was in the molasses bread I baked last night, but he was eating the bagette. I told Christian that they could both eat as much of the bagette as they wish. (it was free). I was working on the computer and David was in the kitchen. I asked how things were going out there and David said they were both eating the bagette. I asked if they broke it in half. David said, no they are eating it from both ends. I grabbed the camera and ran out to get pictures.
I have to say that the bread is a symbol for how I often feel as a mother.
Here are two more layouts I did with pictures from Seattle
This first layout is what I did for The Font Jaunt that I am hosting at Elemental Scraps. I used Dreams in Color the complete colletion by MGL Designs. You can either buy the individual colors for $2.50 a kit or the complete set of colors for $15.00 while they are on sale for 50% at Elemental Scraps. The glitter layering style is by Amanda Geils

This is a layout using items from Lindsay Jane's Birthday Grab Bag. I have been invited to be a permanent member of her Creative team. I am excited. I have loved her work since I saw her early work a little more then a year ago.


Patricia said...

Love you lo! and the first pic is cute!

AfriDigiDiva said...

Cool layouts and this blog entry is awesome!

This Jersey Momma said...

Great LOs. Love the photo. Too funny!

Lisa Joy said...

What a cute layout!
That bread photo is too funny.

Unknown said...

Love that bread pic - priceless!

Anonymous said...

Great entry and pics!