I have heard some stories about families out-sourcing difficult parental duties and I just read a little blurb over at Mommy track'd. Parents sometimes bring in specialists to potty train kids or help the kids work through sleep issues. Liam is 3 1/2 and seems to have no desire to potty train. David and I seem to be too inadequate to potty train so if anyone would like to get us a gift certificate for one of these potty training specialists, I would love to out-source that task. He shows no desire to work with us, maybe he would potty train for a stranger
Here are two layouts I did
I used Childhood Dreams by Pyralis Designs at 3Scrapateers for this layout
I used Bon Voyage by Dielle at Designs in Digital
Where do I start with Math Mammoth?
5 years ago
My DD's a little over 3 now and we're still having trouble with the whole potty training too. Good luck!
ROFL Can I outsource putting my kids to bed every night?
My son was 4,yes 4 before he was completely potty trained. I thought it was NEVER going to happen. My daughter was easy, she was just barely 2. Seriously, til I got her potty trained, I felt mighty inadequate as a parent. ROFL When she potty trained so easily, I was like, ok, it was just him. LOL It's all good.
Have a great day! Those are gorgeous layouts!
Oh man.. I need someone to outsource to every day, so I can get a NAP! :-)
Where was outsourcing when my kids were little? At best outsourcing was two weeks in the summer when grands took them so that parents could SLEEP!
Micah has only been potty trained for about, oh a month or so. He's 4 1/2! I thought it wouldn't happen but other moms and docs kept telling me not to force it or we'd both end up frustrated with the battle! One day I told him that in 5 days, he wouldn't wear diapers anymore. Monday came and he's never looked back! Whew! I got small potty seats to put on the toilet with some of his favorite characters on it and he's happy as a clam. Wow, I never thought it would happen!
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