Thursday, May 8, 2008

11 Years ago

Today is our 11th wedding anniversery. I even updated the number of years married on my profile. Tonight we have plans, but they involve Elmo and the Cookie Monster (stay tuned for update). Tommorow we are going to a Parenting with Love and Logic class at a freind's church then we are going out to dinner afterwards.
Yesturday, Christian bumped into Liam, Liam crashed into the couch and put this tooth through the inner part of his lip (it did not go all the way through). This is the second time this has happened to Liam as well as the cut on his outer lip that he got back in March and ripped the scab off when we were driving to Seattle and we had to pull off at the next exit to stop the bleeding. If you look at recent layouts with pics of him, you can see the scar. I am hoping that it will be less obvious after Liam gets some sun this summer. I am starting to think that Liam has one of two goals. 1. He really wants a cleft lip. The lip was intact and healthy when he was born, but he sure seems to want to just rip it right off. or 2. He wants to follow in the footsteps of Harrison Ford and go for the whole rustic scarred up look. Tonight when we were reading, his lip was all swollen up and when he talked, he was just moving part of it and really reminded me of Harrison Ford.
I found a tricyle for $10.00 at a garage sale and a spider man scooter for $5.00. I have been wanting to get both of these items, but did not want to spend too much money. Christian loves the scooter. I think Liam must take after me, he is having some problems figuring out the whole tricyle thing. He gets easily frustrated. We will just have to keep on working on it.
I was able to get some layouts pumped out yesturday.
Credits: Wheelies by Lindsay Jane Designs at Scrapbook-bytes

Credits: Pack O Dots - Pastels, Words to live by mat & frame template 3 by Green Elepant designs by Nicoli at Designs in Digital

Credits: Candy Coated Love - Digital Designs by Jannylyn, Rustic Heritage by Little Miss Liz & Becki Kress & Birds of a Feather by Theresa Hernandez all at Elemental Scraps, Spring Template by Julianna Gordon from Polka Dot Potato


Tammy said...

My son did that one time and oh what a plump lip he had for awhile. I love finding bargins at yard sales and why not for your kids to play with and if they break it, oh well. You didn't spend that much money on it. Have a great Mother's Day and have fun tonight. ;)

Amy Eileen said...

That poor little man just doesnt seem to have any luck with that lip! I bet that new trike made him feel better though!! Great presents for them and I love the layout you created for them.

Juliana said...

Oh, thanks for using my template! I really like how it turned out!

And thanks for visiting my blog!

Char said...

Oh, life with boys - it's so much FUN, isn't it? Mine keep me on my toes too, although we usually are just dealing with bruises and scrapes... lots of bruises and scrapes!

P.S. I love your layouts!!!

Robin L said...

LOL about Luam's goals! Poor little guy. Dont you just love bargins? My daughter and I use to go all the time but havent now for a year or so. She would scream if she saw a sale sign for the longest time but doesnt do that any more (thank God!) Have a wonderful weekend, Happy Anniversary and Happy Mother's Day to you.

jodie said...

happy anniversary! love the layouts! have fun with the new bikes! :)

Shanna said...

happy anniversary!!!!
LOVE a good garage sale find!!!

Queen Pamedalah said...

I love your layouts! I've got two boys, too and it always seems to be the same one who has a goose egg or black eye! Hang in there!