Friday, July 4, 2008

Day at the farm

David had to work this afternoon, so the boys and I went to Sauvie Island to a farm and picked blueberries. We also picked up a flat of cherries and a box of apricots. I think the boys ate their body weight in blueberries today. It is still early in the season so we just got a couple of pints of blueberries.

Here are the cherries and the apricots

I cut up cherries and apricots and put the in the dehydrator

I also made a batch of cherry-apricot jam. I have a Cranberry-Apricot bread I make during the holidays so I am going to make apricot jam and freeze it use with the bread. If I only had a bog to plant cranberries in I would be set.
I was going to let the boys stay up to watch neighborhood fireworks. At about 9:00, Liam asked to go to bed, I helped into his pajamas and he went into his room, climbed into bed and went to sleep quickly.
Christian went out with me and enjoyed watching the fireworks for a while. He kept asking me if I saw the fireworks when I big one would go off. He will be talking about that for a while. He had many questions about fireworks, how they work, why they are different colors, how they launch and so on. I suggested he ask daddy since daddy actually had experience with something other then sparklers. I have never been a big fan of fire or fireworks and never really played with them as a child.


RefreshMom said...

Sounds like a nice day. We had a playdate and then the church picnic. Bug did so much screaming (for the fun of it) that he actually lost his voice! We planned to go out to watch the city fireworks display but Bug and Boo both were sound asleep by 7:30! (Literally, they have never both been in bed that early. It's 11 pm and not a peep out of them.) Why can't they do that on the days I want them to?

Anne C said...

What a wonderful blog! Love your pictures!

movefearlessly said...

great photos. sounds like your day was wonderful!

Elaine said...

Great photos. I just took my granddaughter cherry picking last weekend. It then turned into picking blueberries and peas as well. Awesome blog