Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 65 - Death Star Cookies

We baked oatmeal cookies this morning. We were in the mood for something sweet and since Christian is starting to learn fractions, what better way to practice. I also had him read the recipe and we added things. Liam said he wanted Star Wars cookies, so I named them Death Star Cookies. To spice things up we added coconut and dried cranberries.
Here is my week 9 in review layout.

Template: Project 365 March Weekly Templats by Hillary Heidelberg, remaining credits here


Ellie said...

The cookies sound fun! Your lo is great!

francis said...

merci d'être passée sur notre blog
cela fait plaisir qu'il n'y pas qu'en france qu'on est suivi
j'ai survolé ton blog ,il est superbe ,tres bien fait ,tres clair et ton travail est superbe.
dommage que je ne parle pas du tout l'anglais.

merci encore



Erika said...

Great idea to practice fractions with the cooking! Looks like you made really yummy death star cookies!! :)

:::Melanie::: said...

Those cookies look really good! Great LO!

bentonflocke said...

the cookies are looking yummy - great idea for practice!

Your week layout is also fantastic

niki said...

mmmm...those look yummy. i think you just gave me an idea!!

Dana said...

i am thinking christian is going to be a genius at math! fractions and in kindergarten- or maybe it is his mama that is the genius! so cool.