Thursday, August 14, 2008

finger problems

I will keep this post short tonight. I have a sore on my finger and it has not beein healing. I thought an infection was starting last week and went to the Dr. and they said it was healing. It has not healed and now the finger tip is swollen and purple. I went back and of course it is a full fledged infection. I came home with both anti-biotics and Vicatin. I have taken both tonight.
Summer swimming is over for me this summer. I will have to sit on the side while David takes them in. I guess I will have to get caught up my reading. So sad.
We went to Target and bought life jackets and some other swimming stuff on clearance. The boys also got these Cars backpack & sleeping bag sets. They are so excited to go camping this weekend.
I also went to Ikea to buy my laptop desk. I am using it now and love it! I did all these errands before the Dr. and Vicatin. Walking all over Ikea and pain, even in a finger don't mix.

1 comment:

RefreshMom said...

That sounds yucky! I hope the antibiotics work quickly. Don't you hate that they let it go so far that now you need the Vicodin? That stuff doesn't work for me though; I just stick with massive amounts of ibuprofen.

I hope your camping trip is great and that you have lots of good reading material!