Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Baby chicks settled in new home

I drove out to the butcher and picked up the turkey and two chickens this morning. It was kind of freaky looking in a box with poultry ready to cook and realize that they were living in my yard yesturday. The turkey was only 10 lbs, but that is probably perfect for us for Thanksgiving, we always have way too many leftovers. When I got home, I re-arranged the freezer, put the turkey on the bottom (since I will not need until November) and arranged everything else. My in-laws brought us 1/4 of a cow last month and this was the first time I saw all the beef and how much we really have. We also have all the Tuna we bought at the coast earlier this month. We are set for meat.
I also stopped by a roadside stand and bought a bunch of corn that I am going to blanch and freeze. I had a bunch of tomatos, so I cut some up and they are almost dried on the dyhydrator and I made tomato sauce with fresh elephant garlic and herbs from my garden.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yeah I can imagine that would be a bit freaky. Hope the baby chicks enjoy their new home. :-)