Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 42 - An Ikea fan and a layout

Luna enjoys hanging out in the Ikea toy holders. I think she likes being enclosed.
Liam seems to be in a growth spurt. He is going to the refridgerator and begging for food often. If he wants to eat this much at four, I am scared about 14. I might need to start filling out World Bank loan applications now.
Here is my ADSR challenge 11 layout.

Credits Here


Lor said...

Hi! Popping by for a visit. Adorable pic of your kitty in the toy holder :) Double use!

SarahB said...

What a cute kitty and great layout too!

My 4 year old has a crazy appetite and she's grown several inches in the last few months!

Magdalena (m2m) said...

Cats always find the most weird place to sleep :)
Thank you for stopping by on my blog - we didn't have a trip, we moved to another town.

Have a nice day!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute of your kitty! I love how they find the oddest places to sleep.

bentonflocke said...

what a cute cat - she has so much fun I think! Great shot and LO